The Mirror Sun

Notorious Playboy Dorian Gray Found Dead Under Mysterious Conditions

Written by Alex Randall

The quiet evening was interrupted by a loud and frightening commotion from one Dorian Gray's house, alerting the servants and men outside. A horrible tragedy had occurred, one that would shock and confuse the community for days to come.

39-year-old socialite Dorian Gray was found dead in his home late one evening. His body was discovered by his servants next to a beautiful portrait done by artist Basil Hallward. Police have opened an investigation into Gray's death due to the mysterious conditions of the body. His body was found shriveled and withered with a knife in his heart. While police have not ruled out foul play, his unnatural conditions call forward many questions, from both the public and the police alike. An in-depth look into Gray's life brings the police to currently investigate his connections to multiple opioid dens around London, late actress, and love interest Sybil Vane's brother James Vane, as well as his close friends such as Lord Henry Wotton.

Police are also investigating with Gray's case the mysterious disappearance of artist Basil Hallward. In studying Dorian Gray's life for clues, they discovered a link between the stunning portrait next to Gray's body and his relation to Hallward, to the now presumed missing artist. For more information, see this article.